Your son used to bound down the stairs each evening and eagerly plant himself between you and your spouse. Chatting about his day, you delighted in hearing about his ...
The letter from your child's grade school nurse peeks out of the beckoning backpack. THAT letter. The one that notifies unassuming parents that "The Talk" will be presented to your innocent fifth ...
Planned Parenthood offers reproductive health care services to women AND men. It is an invaluable reproductive health resource for all. Services include: Treatment for chronic diseases. Screening for STI's ...
“They (college students) see every difficulty as a disaster, not a challenge. They’ve been made fragile by being overprotected, and this fragility is really harming them. It makes everything seem ...
Today TWC is celebrating our second year of educating parents about sex. Yes, sex. Teenage sex, no less. How is that for a life passion? I have written almost ...
Do you have Kids in the House?? Lucky Me! I am now blogging for this fantastic site called kidsinthehouse. Lucky You! Not only can you read my informative, fun, amazing ...
Legacy. When we consider legacy, our thoughts often meander to “The Greats”: The legacy of spectacular athletes, the legacy of effective presidents, the legacy of prestigious universities. Yet, the most ...
Ahhh…Summer time....... Bright-eyed parents eagerly anticipate the homecoming of their college-aged children. Visions of evenings filled with mature conversation while reflecting upon the enlightened teachings of the wise and ...
Last week was a most unfortunate week for me. However, not being one to shy away from unexpected opportunities to write, I decided to use my experience to ...
Ping! Off went my text message alert. Group message to my group of friends from Katie. “What color is this dress?” I responded: “Oh, that’s a very pretty blue and ...