Planned Parenthood offers reproductive health care services to women AND men. It is an invaluable reproductive health resource for all. Services include: Treatment for chronic diseases. Screening for STI's ...
Just wanted to pass on some information about this really cool app I recently learned about. The app, THRIVE, is presented by the Society for Adolescent Health and ...
“They (college students) see every difficulty as a disaster, not a challenge. They’ve been made fragile by being overprotected, and this fragility is really harming them. It makes everything seem ...
Today TWC is celebrating our second year of educating parents about sex. Yes, sex. Teenage sex, no less. How is that for a life passion? I have written almost ...
Saturday morning workday nourishment. I wish. It is early Saturday morning. I usually head out for a long run. Today, however, an injury is keeping me from hitting the ...
Do you have Kids in the House?? Lucky Me! I am now blogging for this fantastic site called kidsinthehouse. Lucky You! Not only can you read my informative, fun, amazing ...
I avoid writing blogs that focus primarily on someone else's work. It goes against my values as an educator and a writer. However, today is an exception. Making available ...
Ah, summer....... June and July we have the scent of freshly-mown grass. Long, delicious, velvety evenings with the sound of buzzing mosquitos in one’s ear (slap!). Farm fresh fruits ...
It has been a long time coming. From Stonewall to the Supreme Court. As Justice Anthony Kennedy said, "...marriage embodies a love that may endure even past death...." So happy LGBT couples ...
Legacy. When we consider legacy, our thoughts often meander to “The Greats”: The legacy of spectacular athletes, the legacy of effective presidents, the legacy of prestigious universities. Yet, the most ...