As we enter into the busy holiday season, I wish to thank you for your continued support and readership of TeenWorldConfidential.
A new endeavor is developing that we are very excited about! However, because I don’t write this stuff for ME, I want to throw the thought process back to you!
I would love to receive feedback about what types of adolescent sexual health issues you would like to see addressed in either blog form or book form.
I would also love to have input from youth.
For example, what would they want to know before beginning a sexual relationship? If they are already sexually active, what questions do they have as they move along in their sexual experiences?
You may use the feedback form below for your responses.
Together, we can educate our youth to be accurately informed about this important aspect of their overall health.
Soooo…see that box below? Use it! We are eager to hear from you!