About Us

Kim Cook, RN CHES

Kim Cook is a registered nurse who delighted in caring for elementary school children, yet desired to work with older students as well. One day, on a whim, she googled “health education”. That afternoon, much to her husband’s bewilderment, she had enrolled at Northern Illinois University to begin her new destiny as a certified middle-and high-school health teacher. After hobnobbing for four years with remarkable educators and young adults also entering the field, she graduated with the satisfaction of a career well-chosen. Earning her LGBT certification and minoring in psychology, and earning her Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) certification, she is well-rounded in her academic knowledge base. However, raising three really cool daughters has been an education that cannot be taught in the classroom.

She is also the Past-president of the Illinois School Health Association and a member of Zonta.

When Kim is not researching and writing about issues affecting adolescents, she enjoys many activities; reading and discussing books, working out and running, walking her sweet dogs, and dining and w(h)ining with friends. On a quest to discover the elusive endless summer (which has proven futile in Northern Illinois) she often travels to faraway lands with her husband to visit their daughters.

Meghan Conklin, Intern

Meghan is a rising senior at  SUNY (State University of New York) Potsdam. Her major is Public Health with a minor in Sexual Health and Women’s and Gender Studies.
Her future goals are to earn her master’s in public health and work in health education for a hospital or organization.
Her goals while working at TWC include:
  • Help youth talk to their parents/trusted adult about sex.
  • Provide reliable outside resources and information.
  • Be a bridge between a child and their parents.
  • Create a sense of acceptance and understanding through her writing.
  • Talk about lasting themes in sexuality – in addition to modern subjects that youth want to talk about.
In her free time she likes shopping at Target and TJ Maxx (don’t we all?), being a cat mom, spending time with her family (she is an Auntie!), going for hikes, and working at her job at the gym.

Our Mission

Accurate, fact-based information

My mission is to offer medically-accurate, fact-based information about sexuality health to adolescents and the adults in their lives, using a straightforward yet humorous approach. Addressing sexual health in a sex-positive, nonjudgmental manner can help keep lines of communication open and build trust with young people.

Our Mission:

To help you start the conversation.

  • Support parents and other caring adults as they step into conversations with their children about sex and relationships.
  • Help parents build trust and openness with their children to encourage honest conversation.
  • Allow young people the space to grow into sexually healthy adults, free of guilt and judgement.
  • Gather, review, evaluate, condense, and share accurate and reliable resources and information available to parents and young people. I use research-informed data and medically accurate information to help impart wisdom and information with which to make you a parent sex-pert.

“A perfect metaphor for parenting is trying to stand up in a hammock without spilling your wine.” @Mumproblems101

Many parents feel insecure and unsure when talking to their kids about sex and relationships. You know you can do this but you may not have the solid support you need. Wine may play an integral role in this effort as well. Teen World Confidential is here to offer the support you need. Wine is on your own.


According to a survey by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy:

“…teens say that parents most influence their decisions about sex. More than friends, more than popular culture, more than siblings, more than teachers or educators.”


Parents, your voice matters. Start the conversation.

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